Hey, I'm lumagen, lumagenesis for long, but everyone calls me "Luma".
I now have a pretty basic understanding of HTML and CSS,
but now I need Javascript under my belt too.
This page is what I'm using to gauge my progress!
Hey, I'm lumagen, lumagenesis for long, but everyone calls me "Luma".
I now have a pretty basic understanding of HTML and CSS,
but now I need Javascript under my belt too.
This page is what I'm using to gauge my progress!
Twitter: coming soon or not idk site kinda sucks
Tumblr: Main blog, at least for now.
Newgrounds: Coming soon! (needs to be cleaned up)
Steam: let's play Guilty Gear aha
Discord: Talk to me!
Artist cred to @gambeque!
Find 'em on Twitter,
and Ko-fi!